Partners are the backbone of JBM and they are part of the reason this ministry is able to do God's work. God's supernatural provision flows through them. Therefore, JBM makes every effort to serve its partners while fulfilling the mandate and calling of the ministry.
Newsletters and the internet website are some of the means in which Jerry and Elvie Berenguer communicate to their partners the ministry's missions outreach. Moreover, these tools help strengthen and encourage the partners' faith in their walk with God.
A partnership is a covenant relationship. It is an agreement between parties to support one another. When you partner with Jerry and Elvie Berenguer, you enter into that relationship with them in order to fulfill the great commission.
Here’s the commitment we make to each other:
Our Commitment
We will pray for you
We will reach the lost and share to them the uncompromising gospel of Jesus Christ and encourage believers to do the same.
We will operate the ministry with excellence adhering to high standards of financial and moral accountability.
We will provide you with a Certificate of Partnership.
We will offer you a 20% discount on all our JBM materials and resources.
We will send you FREE gifts of messages in audio or video from time to time as our way of saying thank you for supporting the ministry.
We will keep you informed of the recent developments at JBM and give you opportunity to join in missions.
Your Commitment
To pray for Jerry and Elvie Berenguer's protection and anointing.
To support the ministry financially on a consistent and regular basis.
To attend the conferences in your area.
To get involved in the mission field whenever possible.
The greatest satisfaction that a partner has is to share in the joy of seeing lives transformed all over the world as Jerry and Elvie minister to the nations. The same blessing that Jerry and Elvie receive as they preach the Word also flows through every partner who sent them.
Join us today and be a part of the team! Write us an email or call and let us know your desire to partner with Jerry Berenguer to reach the world for Christ or make a donation!We will be happy to send you your Partner's Pack.